Group show Beautiful Meaningful Pretty & Erotic

Souf Alon / Karl Bird / Ida Blomdahl / Veronica Garstad / Maria Hjelmeland / Jonas Olov Holmstrand / Emma Serine Jacobsen / Nilda Miltell / Lea Nome / Yasemin Orhan / Ranva Sørensen / Morten Underbjerg

«I recently heard Franco «Bifo» Beradi give a talk about not working (something that doesn´t make a lot of sense if you actually like «working» in your studio). Finally he made a distinction between work and art, saying that to make art is to make something beautiful, meaningful, erotic, empathic – and as usual, when this is the language used to describe what we ´re doing, I wanted to barf.» – Amy Sillman, Shit Happens. (2015)

(Tessen for Folket)

I mit net jeg fanger silkebein.
I shall carry you with me red ghost.
Right here, colour mappings, after chaos.
Samtaler gjennom natten.

Samtaler gjennom dagen.
Your favourite food,
Vogteren, delivered straight to your door!
Titled skisse – mea culpa
(not yet).


fill outline half arrow