Silkscreen or serigraphy is a graphic printing method for images where the printing color becomes
transferred to the substrate through a tight, fine mesh cloth. Screen printing is suitable for textiles,
ceramics, glass, metal, plastic and most substrates in addition to paper. The motif is transferred onto a transparent film, with a black marker, pen, ink or digitally produced screened film (for example photo).

Technical details
Printing ink
Lascaux studio ink
Printing medium
Lascaux printing medium
Somerset Satin White 300 g
56 x 76 cm
76 x 112 cm
62 cm roll
We can also order other types of paper
Silkscreen Press sizes Press #1
Silkscreen Press sizes Press #2
2,7 m x 1,7 m
Max printing area: 2,2 x 1,4 m
Silkscreen Press sizes Press #3
0,9 m x 1,2 m
Max printing area: 0,8 x 1 m
The image from the transparent film must again be transferred to a frame which consists of a tightly stretched cloth. The image is transferred using UV exposure. Before you can transfer the motif onto the frame during lighting/exposure, you must lay emulsion on the frame with emulsion on both sides. Avoid dust. The mesh gets developed by spraying water onto it. The unexposed areas will come off because the emulsion is not hardened. The printing happens by first filling the mesh with ink using a squeege. The ink is then printed by pushing the squeege.